• 410 N Main St. Jamestown, NY 14701
  • 716-483-6405
  • stlukes@stlukesjamestown.org
  • Services: Saturday - 5 pm and Sunday - 8am & 10am
  • Ministry

    Ministry Head of Ministry Description of Ministry Meeting Times
    Acolytes Ted Kapuscinski Acolyte for all services Training – 5th Sunday
    Altar Guild Janet Card Church and chapel set up for all services Four times per year
    Band Ted Kapuscinski
    Choirs Ron McIntire Jessica Frederick Provide music leadership for designated services Weekly
    Chime Choir Mary Schmidt Fortnightly
    Lay Eucharistic Ministers Cathy Smith Assist with Eucharist during services
    Eucharistic Visitors Cathy Smith Take Eucharist to shut-ins Weekly
    Lay Readers Marge Fiore Read designated scripture and prayers at services
    Ushers Rich Pinciaro Welcome people and perform duties during services
    Worship Luke Fodor
    Adult Formation / Forum Barbara Bumsted Adult education during the church school hour on Sunday morning and other seasonal programs (i.e. Lent and Advent)
    Bible Studies Chip Ulrich – men Barbara Bumsted – women Bible study Weekly
    Education for Ministry Cheri Krull Learning program for adult Christian formation through theological education and reflection Weekly
    Fictional Friends Sandi Gustafson Book Club Every other month
    LEGO Brick Ministry Jessica Frederick After-school program with Bible stories explored with Lego’s Tuesday at 4:00
    Sunday School Jessica Frederick Education for children grades K - 12 Sunday morning
    SLY-PIG Jessica Frederick Youth group for grades 7 - 12 Sunday evening
    Youth Faith Formation Jessica Frederick Team that plans faith formation for all youth Monthly
    Bishop Overs Guild Cathy Johnner Church receptions and monthly meal As needed
    Coffee Hour / Juice Kim Pinciaro Provide and serve refreshments after church services Weekly
    Panera Bread Peter Dawson Pick up and set up bread from Panera weekly Weekly
    Caring Community Cathy Smith Cook and deliver food to our church family when needed and provide other helpful services As needed
    Planned Giving Loni Griffith Legacy planning As scheduled
    Finance Cathy Johnner
    Property Sharon Drennen Co-ordinate maintenance and up-keep on the church, the parish house, and the rectory   As needed
    Stewardship Paul Johnson Plan and execute Stewardship in the Parish Four times per year
    Blue Bag Ministry Steven Cobb Monthly donations to various community charities Monthly
    COTB Reading Camp Richard Olson-Walter Reading camp held in July for neighborhood children Five weeks in June / July
    Fourth Street Café Luke Fodor Weekly gathering of those in need from the community Weekly
    Mentors Luke Fodor Mentor children at Love School Weekly
    Social Enterprise Luke Fodor
    Thrift Shop Barb Kiddoo Run the Parish Thrift Shop As scheduled
    Videography – TV Broadcasts Kim Mann Record services in the church for broadcast on the local television station Weekly
    Winged Ox Players Steven Cobb Theater productions that benefit community needs Monthly
    Wednesday Group Cathy Smith Co-ordinate monthly gathering of elderly and shut-ins Monthly
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