Father Bernard’s Blessed Biscuits

Father Bernard’s Blessed Biscuits is a social enterprise of St. Luke’s in partnership with the Mental Health Association in Chautauqua County.
Our Mission
To celebrate connection — with dogs and their human families — while providing employment opportunities for those who have dropped out of the workforce due to mental health concerns or addiction.
We Believe
We believe celebratory connection is the solution not merely to our community’s problems, but the world’s. Our circular biscuits represent the ecosystem of connection and wellness that forms when those out of the workforce — isolated by mental health and recovery struggles — are reconnected and resourced by community. We are forging an ecosystem of recovery with your help.
Buying Our Biscuits
Buying Father Bernard’s Blessed Biscuits allows you not only to treat your dog with love — you are also showing love for the community by supporting individuals with job training and workforce development in Jamestown, NY. Love makes the whole world go round.
To purchase online, please visit: https://fatherbernards.com/