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  • 410 N Main St. Jamestown, NY 14701
  • 716-483-6405
  • Services: Saturday - 5 pm and Sunday - 8am & 10am
  • In December, St. Luke’s Church and the Jamestown Public and Mobile Market team up with the Chautauqua Area Potters to host the Empty Bowl Project in Jamestown. “Empty Bowls” is an annual fund raising event held all over the world. Potters everywhere gather to create hundreds of one of a kind ceramic bowls that are given to persons willing to make a modest contribution to a local charity serving food to the hungry.
    Locally, this event is sponsored by Chautauqua County Empty Bowls, a loosely organized assembly of the area’s amateur and professional potters. Many of these individuals work together at Mudslingers, the pottery studio owned and operated by Ron Nasca in downtown Fredonia. Others in the group work in their own studios.
    While numerous individuals create the hundreds of beautiful, one of a kind bowls, none are signed by the maker. Instead, they are imprinted with the “Empty Bowls” logo thus continuing to remind the user that there are hungry persons in the world. The bowls come in sizes designed to acknowledge contributions of $10, $20, and $30.

    During the Season of Advent when many are preparing for the holiday season and looking for the perfect Christmas gift, this event allows you to come get in the holiday season with bowl of soup, live music, the opportunity to walk away with a one of a kind gift AND to help address food insecurity in our own community.

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